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UK’s current planning system holds back clean energy infrastructure

UK’s current planning system holds back clean energy infrastructure

UK’s current planning system holds back clean energy infrastructure

To read the rest of this article, please register with one of our membership tiers.

The future of flexibility: boosting market confidence and expanding opportunities for customers Image: ENA / FNZ

The future of flexibility: boosting market confidence and expanding opportunities for customers

The future of flexibility: boosting market confidence and expanding opportunities for customers

Simon Brooke, the Common Evaluation Methodology project lead for ENA’s Open Networks programme and ED2 DSO Business Plan lead at Electricity North West talks about encouraging more liquidity in flexibility markets

Making sure that stakeholders’ voices are heard is more important than ever Image: ENA / FNZ

Making sure that stakeholders’ voices are heard is more important than ever

Making sure that stakeholders’ voices are heard is more important than ever

Dr.Avi Aithal, Technical Lead for ENA’s world-leading Open Networks programme, provides an overview on how the industry can get involved with their work this year

Webinar: Energy networks flexibility solutions tool consultation

Webinar: Energy networks flexibility solutions tool consultation

Webinar: Energy networks flexibility solutions tool consultation

In case you missed this live webinar, you can catch up here

Flexibility is key to reaching net zero – but why? Image: ENA / futureNetZero.com

Flexibility is key to reaching net zero – but why?

Flexibility is key to reaching net zero – but why?

We spoke with ENA’s Farina Farrier about how energy networks are set to adapt to the green transition and what this means for the market and infrastructure

‘Everything the networks are doing is with an eye on net zero’ Image: ENA / futureNetZero.com

‘Everything the networks are doing is with an eye on net zero’

‘Everything the networks are doing is with an eye on net zero’

Listen to our latest podcast with ENA’s Randolph Brazier on what the networks are doing to help in the energy transition and the key role they play

COP26: The pledges are ‘critical to achieving net zero’

COP26: The pledges are ‘critical to achieving net zero’

COP26: The pledges are ‘critical to achieving net zero’

We spoke with Randolph Brazier from ENA on the role networks have to play in the net zero transition and get his thoughts on whether the climate summit has been a success so far

ENA responds to Budget and Spending Review Image: Ilyas Tayfun Salci / Shutterstock

ENA responds to Budget and Spending Review

ENA responds to Budget and Spending Review

Energy Networks Association responds to the Chancellor’s budget
