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What is climate resilience and why it matters to every organisation

What is climate resilience and why it matters to every organisation

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What is climate resilience and why it matters to every organisation

Global environmental events could have a significant impact on your organisation regardless of where in the world you are based and where they happen

Webinar: Mastering the Carbon Maze: Navigating the future of climate rules and standards

Webinar: Mastering the Carbon Maze: Navigating the future of climate rules and standards

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Webinar: Mastering the Carbon Maze: Navigating the future of climate rules and standards

This webinar will be brought to you live at 11am on Thursday 12th October

Free Webinar: How can ESG drive improved business performance?

Free Webinar: How can ESG drive improved business performance?

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Free Webinar: How can ESG drive improved business performance?

What is ESG, why is it important and how can you use it to generate value for all organisational stakeholders

What is the Greenhouse Gas standard ISO 14068 and what does it mean for you?

What is the Greenhouse Gas standard ISO 14068 and what does it mean for you?

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What is the Greenhouse Gas standard ISO 14068 and what does it mean for you?

Greenwashing, unsubstantiated emissions statements and incomplete scoping, whether by accident or design, are all blurring visibility around what is actually being achieved by organisations in the quest for Net Zero

What is the fastest and most cost-effective way of reducing energy consumption, energy costs and CO2 emissions?

What is the fastest and most cost-effective way of reducing energy consumption, energy costs and CO2 emissions?

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What is the fastest and most cost-effective way of reducing energy consumption, energy costs and CO2 emissions?

The Energy Conscious Organisation

Energy outlook – what’s happening, why, and what can we do about it?

Energy outlook – what’s happening, why, and what can we do about it?

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Energy outlook – what’s happening, why, and what can we do about it?

The month of August bore witness to the highest wholesale energy prices ever seen. Since July, prices have peaked, dipped and now flatlined at an extremely high rate
