Wednesday 10 January 2018
INEOS Shale has lodged a petition for judicial review of the Scottish Government's decision to ban fracking by introducing a planning policy of "no support."
The firm argues the ban is unlawful and believes there were serious errors within the decision-making process, including failure to adhere to proper processes and a misuse of power.
It suggests the move will mean Scotland will miss out on numerous economic benefits, including an estimated 3,100 jobs and an estimated £1 billion INEOS says would be received by local communities.
Tom Pickering, Operations Director at the company, said: "The decision in October was a major blow to Scottish science and its engineering industry, as well as being financially costly to INEOS, other businesses and indeed the nation as a whole.
"It also removed at a stroke the potential for the country in these uncertain times to secure its own indigenous energy supply."