What we do

Since we launched in 2020 our ambition hasn’t changed. To help businesses and public sector organisations cut their emissions, change their ethos and think about ESG, as a licence to do business.

But four years on we need to evolve, as net zero policies have evolved. So welcome to this new look platform. In essence it’s a business toolkit so you can put net zero ambitions into action.

Our platform will offer you a guide to technologies, news and commentary from decision makers and a chance to get your story told.

Join future net zero and ensure Better Business leads to a Better Planet.


Net Hero Podcast – Why can’t we breed unicorns?

This week I am joined by Myrtle Dawes the CEO of the Net Zero Technology centre to chat growth

Trending Articles

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Net Hero Podcast

Each week our founder Sumit Bose speaks to a net zero hero, someone or some organisation doing something to make our planet better.

Listen in and subscribe to the podcast and even better, take part – tell the world what you are doing to make that difference, big or small, we will give you a voice.

Trending Podcasts

Net Hero Podcast – Why can’t we breed unicorns?

To read the rest of this article, please register with one of our membership tiers. Login or Sign Up


Net Hero Podcast – Skips that tell you when they’re full?

To read the rest of this article, please register with one of our membership tiers. Login or Sign Up


Net Hero Podcast – Helium lightens the load

To read the rest of this article, please register with one of our membership tiers. Login or Sign Up



Net zero can be confusing. It’s a new world with new terms and so much technology claiming to be the answer to your problems.

Our Index will give you the editorial lowdown on what’s fact and what’s fiction. We will explain how things work and offer you the information to make the right choice for your organisation.

There’s plenty of things you can do right now to make your net zero targets a reality.

The Big Zero Show

Thanks to all the delegates, speakers and sponsors of the Big Zero Show 2024. It was our third and biggest show to date, with excellent speakers, networking, exhibitions and of course a giant EV bus! We had a lot of great advice on hand to help your business cut costs and save carbon and there were many good follow up conversations. All the content is now available here – once again thanks to all for a great event.