Wednesday 12 January 2011
In the future utilities will need to link demand to the grid said Smart grid specialist, Dr Edward Colby of Sentec.
According to Sentec, consumer electronics technologies will play an important role in securing future supply. They think these will improve peak demand problems and help deliver more cost-effective infrastructure.
Speaking to ELN from the International Conference on Consumer Electronics in Las Vegas, Dr Colby said: "The ICCE is a good place to deliver the vision of the smart grid." Although few concrete moves have taken place Dr Colby thinks there is a lot happening behind the scenes: "There are lots of big guys pumping money into how they can make appliances automated. There is a lot of drive."
Dr Colby added: "Foundation technology is essential. One of the drivers is plug-in EV's, this creates a pressure. More reliability is needed for progression, the industry is extremely conservative."
This sort of technology could lead to the development of consumer appliances such as refrigerators and washing machines that will talk directly to the smart grid to be controlled more efficiently.