Friday 24 August 2012

How do you make energy managing less boring?

How do you make energy managing less boring?

Energy might not always be the liveliest of sectors, particularly when you hear the same information day in, day out.

When every seminar and conference starts to sound the same, it can be hard to think outside the box, to motivate yourself to find a better energy deal or find a new energy management strategy.

That’s exactly the problem pinpointed by utility brokers CUB – which believes energy managers are sorely in need of an energising boost.

“These days energy can be that little bit boring,” says Melinda Fairfax at CUB, “hearing the same information over and over again in seminars you think will be different but it all turns out to be what you already know.”

She adds, "Energy is not becoming the easiest of commodities to manage so how do you make sense of it all? In the current climate Energy Managers need support as well as change.”

The way forward? A fresh approach, she believes, which is why CUB is getting involved in Energy Live 2012 as one of its key sponsors.

She says: “For all you energy managers out there Energy Live 2012 can do exactly that. CUB® sponsor EL2012 as we trust them to bring in a fresh approach enabling energy managers to go away feeling inspired, energised and full of new information whilst meeting fellow energy managers to share experiences.”

Are you an energy manager wanting to get more energised? Then don’t miss Energy Live 2012 on 1st November at the QEII centre in London, join the debate on twitter or LinkedIn.

Written by

Bruna Pinhoni

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