Friday 18 February 2011
Vattenfall has ordered a ship to transport and install 80 wind turbines at its offshore windfarm DanTysk.
The vessel, called the Pacific Orca, will transport the turbines to the DanTysk construction site in the German North Sea.
The Pacifica Orca is being built in South Korea by Samsung Heavy Industries and is due for delivery in 2012. It will be able to operate in water depths of up to 75 metres.
Georg Friedrichs, Head of Offshore Projects Vattenfall said: "Since there is limited availability of suitable offshore vessels on the market, we are especially glad to obtain this large vessel to DanTysk. The newly built vessel Pacific Orca meets our criteria with outstanding safety, efficiency and reliability."
Vattenfall currently has wind farms in six countries, and is building and planning offshore wind farms along the British coast as well.