Thursday 9 December 2010
The Renewable Energy Association has welcomed the government's move to offer earlier and greater certainty on how much support it will offer large scale electricity projects under the Renewables Obligation.
Energy Minister Charles Hendry announced yesterday that industry will get an indication of the support it will receive for new large-scale projects that start generating renewable electricity from April 2013, as early as mid-July 2011.
Under previous arrangements, support levels were not due to be finalised until Autumn 2012, meaning developers had been reluctant to start projects with long construction periods.
REA chief executive Gaynor Hartnell said: "We're pleased that government has listened to the REA and its members.
"Developers of some of the larger projects cannot be certain they can commission in time to benefit from the current banding levels and waiting until August 2012 was not an option.
"It certainly helps to have clarity 14 months earlier - but some need that certainty now. We are pleased that DECC is receptive to the needs those particular developers that are in this position and some of our members have been in to the department to discuss their predicament. We are confident that the Government wants to help and this is a move in the right direction."