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34 results found
Climate change brings creepy crawlies with a stench!

Climate change brings creepy crawlies with a stench!

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Climate change brings creepy crawlies with a stench!

Stinking bugs are running riot in the US thanks to climate change, scientists claim

Worst impacts of climate change ‘not explored enough’

Worst impacts of climate change ‘not explored enough’

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Worst impacts of climate change ‘not explored enough’

Scientists claim that the world is not preparing for a worst-case scenario situation when it comes to global warming

Ancient global warming linked to continental stretching

Ancient global warming linked to continental stretching

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Ancient global warming linked to continental stretching

Scientists believe that Earth’s largest warming event was caused by a shift in tectonic plates

Microplastics found in fresh snow for first time

Microplastics found in fresh snow for first time

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Microplastics found in fresh snow for first time

These airborne fragments are thought to have travelled up to 3,700 miles to reach the Antarctic

Climate change could cause the worst marine extinction in 250m years

Climate change could cause the worst marine extinction in 250m years

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Climate change could cause the worst marine extinction in 250m years

Scientists state that with current carbon emissions, the world is on course to see a repeat of the Great Dying

COP26: Is fusion energy the future of the low carbon world?

COP26: Is fusion energy the future of the low carbon world?

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COP26: Is fusion energy the future of the low carbon world?

Scientists and engineers will speak later today at the conference to world leaders, persuading them of the power fusion energy can provide in the net zero transition – but what is it?

Coronavirus: learning for the climate crisis

Coronavirus: learning for the climate crisis

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Coronavirus: learning for the climate crisis

I’m a climate scientist not an epidemiologist, but like many of my researcher colleagues, I’ve been reading the swiftly published papers and coding up the predictive models coming from another community to try and make sense of the evolving global crisis we find ourselves in.

Climate change increases risk of wildfires, scientists confirm

Climate change increases risk of wildfires, scientists confirm

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Climate change increases risk of wildfires, scientists confirm

A review of research shows links between climate change and increased frequency or severity of so-called ‘fire weather’

Scientists commemorate first Icelandic glacier lost to climate change

Scientists commemorate first Icelandic glacier lost to climate change

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Scientists commemorate first Icelandic glacier lost to climate change

A bronze plaque, which carries ‘a letter to the future’ says all of Iceland’s glaciers are expected to follow the same path in the next 200 years

UK scientists granted £60m share to tackle global environmental challenges

UK scientists granted £60m share to tackle global environmental challenges

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UK scientists granted £60m share to tackle global environmental challenges

The funding will be matched by international collaborators from nations including China, India, Japan and the US

Scientists develop new method to track groundwater pollutants in real-time

Scientists develop new method to track groundwater pollutants in real-time

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Scientists develop new method to track groundwater pollutants in real-time

It is expected to reduce the frequency of manual groundwater sampling and lab analysis and therefore cut the monitoring cost

Squeaky clean victory for sponge that mops up oil spills

Squeaky clean victory for sponge that mops up oil spills

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Squeaky clean victory for sponge that mops up oil spills

Oleo Sponge was able to successfully remove oil sheen from the surface of the water
