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‘England’s rainforests burned illegally’

‘England’s rainforests burned illegally’

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‘England’s rainforests burned illegally’

Peatlands across the UK are being burned for shooting purposes, releasing carbon into the atmosphere

Better managed peatlands ‘could slash half a billion tonnes of CO2’

Better managed peatlands ‘could slash half a billion tonnes of CO2’

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Better managed peatlands ‘could slash half a billion tonnes of CO2’

Peatlands occupy just 3% of the global land surface, but they store approximately 650 billion tonnes of carbon

Net zero: Scotland to invest ‘record’ £1.9bn in tackling climate change

Net zero: Scotland to invest ‘record’ £1.9bn in tackling climate change

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Net zero: Scotland to invest ‘record’ £1.9bn in tackling climate change

It supports Scotland’s ambition towards becoming net zero by 2045

Heathrow Airport digs deep for peat restoration carbon savings

Heathrow Airport digs deep for peat restoration carbon savings

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Heathrow Airport digs deep for peat restoration carbon savings

Its first project will involve pumping water and introducing plants to Little Woolden Moss near Manchester

Historic agreement to protect globally important carbon store

Historic agreement to protect globally important carbon store

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Historic agreement to protect globally important carbon store

The equivalent of three years of global greenhouse gas emissions are stored in the Congo peatlands

Bids open for £10m peatland restoration

Bids open for £10m peatland restoration

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Bids open for £10m peatland restoration

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Peatland restoration secures £10m to cut emissions

Peatland restoration secures £10m to cut emissions

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Peatland restoration secures £10m to cut emissions

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