AMTE Power’s new manufacturing facility is expected to create up to 215 high-skilled onsite jobs and 800 more across the supply chain
ReadThe President is looking to lessen the US’ reliance on China for solar panel deliveries
ReadThe wind-adaptable equipment is being manufactured by WEG
ReadIt will bring together UK researchers to explore effective ways to support the industry to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions whilst improving its environmental sustainability
ReadA new 1MW solid oxide fuel cell plant has been installed, which provides 5% of the energy required for Ferrari’s production activities, while helping reduce fuel consumption and emissions
ReadIt is proposing to install a large-scale wind turbine that will provide clean electricity to enable the new R1 vehicles to be powered by renewables for their first charge at the production plant
ReadIt will focus on reusing parts and elements of wind turbines – to cut emissions
ReadConsumer spending remains the largest contributor to UK emissions, according to ONS data
ReadThe Low Carbon Manufacturing Challenge Fund is seeking ideas to speed up the adoption or development of low carbon products, services, technologies and processes, with the aim to reduce the carbon footprint of the industry
ReadProduction is expected to begin at the site in 2024
ReadThe new £8.1m facility will be used by Wolverhampton College