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‘Turn your engine off outside schools’

‘Turn your engine off outside schools’

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‘Turn your engine off outside schools’

A campaign to stop engine idling has seen a 38% reduction

Air pollution: Idling drivers could face higher fines

Air pollution: Idling drivers could face higher fines

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Air pollution: Idling drivers could face higher fines

Every minute, an idling car produces enough emissions to fill 150 balloons with harmful chemicals

Engine idling near schools should be banned, says Public Health England

Engine idling near schools should be banned, says Public Health England

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Engine idling near schools should be banned, says Public Health England

Air pollution is considered the biggest environmental threat to health in the UK, with between 28,000 and 36,000 deaths a year attributed to long-term exposure

Helsinki airport trims plane idling, cuts fuel costs

Helsinki airport trims plane idling, cuts fuel costs

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Helsinki airport trims plane idling, cuts fuel costs

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London’s drivers wasting £60million with ‘unnecessary idling’

London’s drivers wasting £60million with ‘unnecessary idling’

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London’s drivers wasting £60million with ‘unnecessary idling’

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