516 results found
nuclear power plant spain

New age of Nuclear upon us?

New age of Nuclear upon us?

New IEA report says 2025 could be the year for nuclear power

ESG business sustainability

Business says it can back 2030 target

Business says it can back 2030 target

84% surveyed say net zero goals can happen but are worried about costs

Image: Shutterstock

UK can lead £31 trillion fusion industry

UK can lead £31 trillion fusion industry

Government should support fusion now for huge financial rewards

Fred Duval: Shutterstock

Miliband pushes button on ‘Clean Power’

Miliband pushes button on ‘Clean Power’

Clean Power 2030 action plan is officially launched

Image: Alex Yeung / Shutterstock

Zero standing charge bills proposed by Ofgem

Zero standing charge bills proposed by Ofgem

Ofgem wants to address consumer concerns by offering dual choice tariffs

chips frying oil biofuel

Fast food – chips as fuel!

Fast food – chips as fuel!

Scientists have discovered a way to make biofuel as effective as diesel


CCS takes a big step forward

CCS takes a big step forward

Teesside based CCS plant has raised the finance to start building

Image: Shutterstock

‘Grid upgrades diminish zonal pricing benefits’

‘Grid upgrades diminish zonal pricing benefits’

A recent analysis by LCP Delta reveals that planned upgrades to the electricity grid significantly reduce the economic benefits of implementing zonal pricing in Great Britain

Image: Artic_photo

UK emissions: Climate Change Committee recommends 81% reduction by 2035

UK emissions: Climate Change Committee recommends 81% reduction by 2035

The UK’s Climate Change Committee has advised the UK Government to set a target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 81% by 2035, compared to 1990 levels

Image: Shutterstock

UK at risk of future energy crisis due to heavy gas reliance

UK at risk of future energy crisis due to heavy gas reliance

A new report from the Energy Crisis Commission highlights that the UK is inadequately prepared for future energy crises, primarily due to its heavy reliance on gas for heating and electricity

Image: Shutterstock

UK energy supplier switching reaches new high

UK energy supplier switching reaches new high

For the first time since October 2021, the number of UK households and businesses switching energy suppliers has exceeded 300,000 in a single month

Image: Shutterstock

Burning household waste ‘now UK’s most polluting power source’

Burning household waste ‘now UK’s most polluting power source’

A BBC investigation has found that burning household rubbish in incinerators has become the dirtiest way of generating power in the UK, emitting as much greenhouse gas per unit of energy as coal
