Monday 7 October 2019
Extinction Rebellion today shut down traffic across Westminster to mark the start of a new wave of climate action.
The protestors demand the government tells the truth about climate change, takes action to act now and sets up citizen's assemblies to chart a path forward - they say the protest will last at least two weeks and will keep happening until their demands are met.
Activists created roadblocks at important junctions and thoroughfares such as Westminster Bridge, Trafalgar Square and the Mall, stopping cars and motorbikes from driving through - bicycles and emergency vehicles were given clear passage.
People locked themselves together with bike locks, glued their hands to road surfaces and climbed on top of vans to stop police from breaking up the demonstrations.
The Metropolitan Police tweeted: "As of 12:30hrs today there have been a total of 135 arrests."
In total, Extinction Rebellion claims 23 cities across the world are taking part in its 'International Rebellion' and the UK branch of the group claims to have recruited five times as many 'rebels' as during the last major protests, which took place across the country in April.