Wednesday 13 September 2017

Fatty sewer monster found under London streets

Fatty sewer monster found under London streets

One of the UK's largest ever fatbergs has been found blocking a sewer in East London.

The congealed mass of fat, wet wipes, nappies, oil and condoms discovered in Whitechapel stretches for 250 metres and weighs 130 tonnes - this is longer than Tower Bridge and heavier than 11 double decker buses.

Thames Water described it as one of the largest it had seen and said it would take eight workers three weeks to remove with high-pressure hoses.

Head of Waste Networks at Thames Water, Matt Rimmer, said: "It's frustrating as these situations are totally avoidable and caused by fat, oil and grease being washed down sinks and wipes flushed down the loo.

"The sewers are not an abyss for household rubbish and our message to everyone is clear - please bin it - don't block it."

Written by

Bruna Pinhoni

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