Monday 3 April 2017
Green gas has been exported for the first time from the UK to Europe.
British shipper Barrow Green Gas is transporting biomethane via an interconnector pipeline to help Dutch energy firm Essent, owned by RWE, to meet demand.
Tim Wijnen, Manager developer markets at Essent said: “Simply put, over time there will not be enough raw materials in the Netherlands to produce sufficient green gas from. It is anticipated that the number of green gas production sites will not be in step with future demand.
“As the largest green gas supplier in the Netherlands, we have therefore given thought to how we will be able to continue to supply sufficient green gas in the Netherlands in the future too and that is to import green gas from neighbouring trusted countries.”
The green gas is produced by JV Energen at Poundbury, which is claimed to be the first commercial plant to inject green gas into the existing UK gas network.