Friday 27 May 2016

Feed-in Tariff deployment rose 28% in April

Feed-in Tariff deployment rose 28% in April

Projects deployed under the government's Feed-in Tariff (FiT) scheme at the end of April had a total capacity of 4,982MW.

That's more than 865,600 installations - a 28% increase in total FiT installed capacity compared to the same period in 2015, new figures from DECC reveal.

The highest growth rate was in hydro projects which rose 34% to 117MW.

At the end of April, solar represented 82% of the total capacity, reaching 4,105MW and 99% of the total number of installations to more than 856,000.

In December the government cut the support of solar projects through this scheme by 64%.

Wind projects were the second largest technology, representing 11% of total installed capacity to 565MW.

The government has proposed to reduce support for anaerobic digestion (AD) projects currently eligible for FiTs.

Written by

Bruna Pinhoni

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