Wednesday 18 May 2016
The UK power system is comfortable today, according to npower’s daily market report.
Nicholas Morgan from the Optimisation Desk said: “Wind generation out-turns better than expected although this is expected to drop off later today before picking back up this evening.”
Gas-fired power generation is at 19GW, providing 54% of the energy mix.
The French interconnector is exporting at capacity levels and the Dutch one has fallen at around a third of its capacity.
The gas system is forecast to close 7mcm short.
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Mr Morgan added: “Improved flows from the Langeled pipeline have helped to balance the system but as of yet no nominations from the midterm storages facilities. With prices dropping off they may decide to inject back into their facilities today.”
The three LNG terminals have healthy send-outs and a new tanker is expected to arrive at South Hook later this week.
Brent oil is trading at $49.1/bbl (£33.8/bbl).
Mr Morgan went on: "Front month Brent oil contracts have held their gains seen over the past few days. These prices are based on the recent news coming out of Canada and Nigeria where production disruptions are threatening global supply and tightening the market. Although traders cautioned that high global crude inventories were still weighing on prices."