Tuesday 4 August 2015
A vast majority of consumers in England and Wales are satisfied with their water supply (94%) and sewerage services (94%).
That’s according to a new survey, which also revealed three quarters of water customers believe they are getting value for money from their suppliers.
That’s a 6% increase – the first in four years.
Tony Smith, Chief Executive of Consumer Council for Water (CCWater) said: “Value for money is not simply about lower bills – it’s about water companies showing their customers they are delivering reliable services and making the improvements customers expect.
“The rise in satisfaction levels is encouraging but the challenge for the industry is to sustain this increase over a longer period by delivering on the promises made to their customers for the next five years.”
CCWater's survey of more than 5,700 customers also found 68% of customers agree their water and sewerage charges are fair – up from 54% in 2013 after two years of decline.
Three quarters of consumers consider water companies to be “more caring” about the service they provide than energy suppliers (69%).
Latest statistics from the Energy Ombudsman revealed the number of complaints from dissatisfied gas and electricity users have risen this year.