Monday 27 July 2015
The Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) has announced the remaining winners for exploration on the UK Continental Shelf.
The regulator awarded 41 new licences as part of the 28th Offshore Licensing Round.
This is in addition to the 134 winners announced in November last year.
It was launched in January 2014 and a total of 173 applications were received.
More than one license can be awarded per application.
It is one of the largest rounds in five decades since the first licensing round took place in 1964.
Energy Minister Andrea Leadsom said: “We are determined to make the most of our North Sea resources to provide secure, reliable energy for hardworking families and businesses and reduce our reliance on volatile foreign imports."
OGA CEO Andy Samuel, added the industry and government will now need to work together with the authority to "revitalise exploration activity across the basin and convert licences into successful exploration wells".