Wednesday 3 June 2015
The gas system has opened tighter this morning, according to npower’s daily market report.
The linepack is 23mcm short and there are strong exports through the Interconnector however, LNG sendout is slightly lower than yesterday.
CCGT demand is just above 30mcm.
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Referring to the power market, Steven Walker from npower’s optimisation desk said: “There’s a 2.5GW reduction in the peak demand today however this is offset by wind load factors, which are forecast to drop through the week.”
Solar generation is forecast at 4.5GW.
The French and Dutch interconnectors are at their maximum capacity.
The oil market is trading at $65 a barrel (£43/Bbl) ahead of the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) meeting on Friday.
Mr Walker added: “Greece's European creditors have drafted new proposals to be discussed tomorrow ahead of the Energy Information Administration (EIA) Friday's meeting.”