Tuesday 2 June 2015
Greenhouse gas emissions fell by nearly a quarter from 1990 to 2013.
A new report released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), showed greenhouse gas emissions in 2013 were 643.1 million tonnes.
That's 23.6% lower than the 1990 figure.
The fall is due to the reduction in emissions from the manufacturing, energy supply, water and waste sectors.
Together, these sectors account for 94.9% of the total cut.
The paper also showed, during the same period, the largest annual fall was in 2009 after the economic downturn in the previous year, when emissions decreased by 8.5%.
Between 2012 and 2013, emissions decreased by 2%, due to a cut in coal use by power stations and a fall in emissions from landfill.
Another report published by the ONS this week found the amount raised in green taxes has more than doubled in two decades in the UK.