Friday 29 May 2015

EU takes Romania to court over vehicle waste rules

EU takes Romania to court over vehicle waste rules

The European Commission is taking Romania to the EU Court of Justice for failing to transfer revised rules on end-of-life vehicles into domestic law.

The legislation aims to make vehicle dismantling and recycling more environmentally friendly.

It also intends to reduce the amount of waste produced from vehicles when they are scrapped to limit the use of hazardous substances in manufacturing and increase the number of recycled materials.

The revised rules extends one exemption concerning the use of lead in certain vehicle components.

Member States were required to adopt the laws by August 2013 however Romania missed the deadline.

“Romania has received a letter of formal notice on 27 September 2013, followed by a reasoned opinion on 11 July 2014. Despite Romania's efforts, more than a year and a half after the deadline, the Directive is still not transposed into domestic legislation,” the Commission said.

It also announced Germany is being referred to the Court for failings over electrical waste.

Written by

Bruna Pinhoni

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