Tuesday 20 January 2015
More than half of all university senior management teams now get an update on the performance of their institution’s environmental policy in their annual report.
A study published today by the student-led network People and Planet praised the “national progress” on environmental awareness.
It found an “impressive” 44% of all UK universities now show a commitment to putting sustainable development into all aspects of teaching and learning.
League tables
Universities were also ranked in a green league table in the report, with Plymouth claiming first place.
Samantha Price, Sustainability Manager at Plymouth University said: “Universities hold a unique responsibility to operate sustainably, not just for their own operational responsibility but also to act as a living, breathing example of a sustainable organisation for students to observe and learn from. Sustainability is now an important factor for student employability across many industries.”
However the student network expressed concern that only six universities are committed to assessing the climate change risk associated with their investments.
They want more to follow the example of the University of Bedfordshire which has a new policy on investing in the fossil fuel industry.