Thursday 10 October 2013

Solar power hits new heights – to power lamppost

Solar power hits new heights – to power lamppost

Solar energy is hitting new heights – and not just in the number of panels installed.

A Dutch manufacturer has brought out a new lamppost which doesn’t need mains electricity as it is purely powered by the sun.

The range of stand-alone ‘lighting columns’ have panels along their length and can be as tall as 18 metres.

Creatively dubbed 'The Spirit', the lamppost design has taken three years to develop and the shaft and batteries are entirely recyclable.

Makers believe it is the future of public lighting. Jos van den Hurk, director of Kaal Masten said: “Because of the stand-alone nature of the column, governments and other managers of open spaces are no longer dependent on the mains network in order to realise top quality lighting and therefore safety.”

The lamppost could “substantially reduce” the carbon footprint for public lighting, he added.

Written by

Bruna Pinhoni

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