Sunday 29 September 2013

Captive audience for launch of energy saving scheme

Captive audience for launch of energy saving scheme

London Zoo is to play host to the launch of the Low Energy Company scheme this week.

The Energy Managers Association is organising the programme, which will kick off to a captive audience in front of the zoo’s new penguin pool on 3rd October.

The scheme will provide training to employees on how to reduce energy use in the workplace and help employers prove their sustainable credentials through certification as an audited Low Energy Company. London Zoo is the first to take part.

Speaking at the 2degrees Live event on Friday Lord Rupert Redesdale, CEO of the Energy Managers Association said London Zoo faced many of the same energy concerns as other businesses as well as a few unique ones. According to Lord Redesdale penguins become incontinent whilst swimming, meaning the 500,000 litres of water which fills the penguin pool have to be filtered three times every day to remove the faeces, consuming large amounts of energy.

Moving on from penguin poo he added: “What we’re doing with London Zoo is we’re training most of their staff. The staff feel engaged. The staff then are coming forward to us and actually coming up with ideas of how they can make further savings that haven’t been thought of.

"They’re changing their behaviour and the great thing is they take that behaviour change home with them.”

Written by

Bruna Pinhoni

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