Thursday 20 June 2013
Top energy consultants always go the “extra mile” to give the best advice to their customers, according to DONG Energy - sponsors of the Best Advice category at The Energy Live Consultancy Awards (TELCAs).
Joseph Letras, Commercial Business Sales & Customer Services Manager told ELN consultants can help customers by providing services suited to them.
He said: “Cost of energy continues to be of paramount importance to a business’ bottom line and effective energy management can help boardrooms deal with the 'triple challenge' of volatile energy costs, security of supply and environmental responsibilities.
“Consultants can greatly add value by helping clients understand which products and services are the best fit for their needs, providing timely and relevant market intelligence and top class service standards. The best consultants also offer that something extra that sets them apart from the competition - and that's what the judging panel looked for when considering the applications for this award.”
He added DONG Energy is proud to sponsor the Best Advice award, recognising the great contribution that consultants make to the energy industry.
Mr Letras went on: “We strive to find out what businesses need so that we can offer the best package of solutions at the right time - and we look for the same qualities in consultants. By sponsoring this award, we look forward to rewarding those that succeed in offering the best advice every time.”
Winners of The Energy Live Consultancy Awards will be announced at the inaugural, Oscars-style ceremony on June 27th.