Friday 21 September 2012
Energy market watchdog Ofgem attempted to bare its teeth today by announcing it will fine suppliers if they fail to meet their targets for putting efficiency measures in people’s homes.
The body has been criticised in the past for not being tough enough on suppliers.
In an open letter published today, the regulator said energy companies face possible fines if they don’t meet December 2012 targets for Government schemes, the Carbon Emissions Reduction Target (CERT) and the Community Energy Saving Programme (CESP).
Set up by DECC, Ofgem has the powers to make sure these schemes – meant to benefit vulnerable consumers - are delivered by the industry.
Stuart Cook, Managing Director of Ofgem E-Serve said: “Today’s message to companies and generators is clear, if you fail to comply with your CERT and CESP obligations by the December deadline you risk investigation and a possible fine.”
Although December 31st is the cut off date, Ofgem said suppliers which don’t make the deadline but continue to put in efficiency measures will be less penalised.”
Mr Cook added: “Financial penalties alone will not deliver benefits for consumers. We are giving companies likely to fail their targets every incentive to do the right thing by the public and the environment and to keep delivering energy efficiency help for consumers.”