Thursday 13 September 2012
The European Parliament’s decision on new measures for energy efficiency "makes economic sense", according to a UK MEP who says it will be worth it for the Government to stick to the targets.
The announcement made earlier this week includes EU member states implementing energy-saving methods to help reach the goal of cutting 20% greenhouse gas emissions by 2020.
It is expected to help save around £50 billion (£40.1 billion) every year and also boost Europe’s economy and get energy security.
Jean Lambert (pictured), Green MEP for London said: “Realising the EU’s energy saving target not only makes sense in terms of meeting our energy security and climate goals, but it also makes broader economic sense, stimulating economic activity and creating millions of jobs whilst bringing down energy bills for businesses and households. I trust that the UK Government will see the benefits and take positive action."
Member states must now set out a roadmap to achieve energy savings of 80% in the buildings sector by 2050 and energy companies have to deliver savings of at least 1.5% every year across all end users.