Monday 25 June 2012
Only one in five homeowners is set to participate in the Green Deal despite the Government pumping millions of pounds into the energy efficiency scheme.
According to a new survey of more than 1,200 homeowners in the UK commissioned by the British Standards Institution (BSI), more than half of householder (61%) are ‘unsure’ if the Green Deal is a good initiative or not.
The results could be embarrassing for the Government, with Energy Minister Greg Barker claiming the scheme will be the “biggest home improvement programme since the Second World War”.
The scheme offers up to £10,000 in loans to people who want to buy efficiency measures such as insulation.
However a majority of people admitted they do not know enough about the scheme, with the survey finding nearly nine out of ten (89%) said they would need more information from independent third parties before purchasing Green Deal accredited products and services.
Maureen Sumner Smith, Global Marketing Director said: “There is a strong appetite for green initiatives among UK consumers, but our survey demonstrates the need for support and guidance surrounding the Green Deal.”