Wednesday 28 March 2012

Financing Renewable Energy

Financing Renewable Energy

On April 19th, at 9.30 a.m. we will be bringing you Robert Leask from Procurement Scotland, Rob Crusher from Scottish Water and Mark Dickinson from M&C Energy Group and they will help you to get the best out of renewable energy. Three great experts who will make your life easier and help you to benefit from their experience and knowledge.

Their talks are as follows:

Robert Leask will be talking about "Introducing Renewables into Energy Procurement" - in 15-20 minutes he will give you a fantastic understanding of how to embed renewables into your energy mix, discussing your own energy generation, Feed in Tariff technology and biomass.

Rob Crusher will be discussing “Innovative Approach to Renewable Development in Scottish Water” - how Scottish Water are using renewables to their advantage, why you should be doing the same and what to look out for.

Mark Dickinson (pictured) will be talking about "Changing Behaviours" - why you need to look at your whole energy process, where to find the money for renewable projects and how to capitalise on the benefits of renewable energy.

Following on from these presentations, there will be a panel session with all of the above, hosted by Sumit Bose, Energy Live News Editorial Director. This will give you the opportunity to ask those questions you have always wanted to ask. And we expect you to ask the tough questions.....all our speakers have been told that is what to expect. The great thing is, these are experienced energy people who have done it all, who understand what you are going through and want to help you avoid the issues they have had.

This session will be held in central Glasgow at the offices of PwC. The address is

141 Bothwell Street, Glasgow. G2 7EQ.

Please click here for the map.

As mentioned above, the session starts at 9.30 a.m. and will finish no later than 11.30 a.m. This will be a short, sharp lesson on how to benefit from renewable energy. The cost for energy end users is only £25 excluding VAT to cover administration and subsistence costs. We do reserve the right to admission as the session is geared towards energy end users.

To register, please email or call him on 0845 602 4899.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Written by

Bruna Pinhoni

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