Wednesday 9 March 2011
The Confederation of British Industry has said that creating a mass market for low-carbon goods is essential for the UK to meet our climate change targets. The CBI says the Government need to team up with businesses to help consumers go green.
After a public survey of nearly 2000 people, a report has revealed that 83% of the public think businesses have a responsibility to tell customers about energy efficiency, while 9% simply don't trust retailers to be truthful.
John Cridland, CBI Director-General, said: "Unless we can get the public truly on board, then all the investment in new technology and all our low-carbon innovation will be for nothing. Businesses need to provide clear, consistent labelling that becomes a trusted universal standard with the public."
Consumers account for three quarters of UK carbon emissions, and while more than half think about energy efficiency when buying a fridge, 75% of us don't think about this when buying a house.
The CBI thinks the UK consumer clearly needs some help. A joint taskforce is expected to help in the following areas:
-green campaigns, such as the Green Deal and more specifically things like the roll-out of smart meters.
-providing clearer labeling for product information.
-train shop floor staff to help customers make the right decisions.