Friday 25 February 2011

Homeowners will lose out to big solar projects says DECC

Homeowners will lose out to big solar projects says DECC

Homeowners will lose out if too many large solar projects claim FiTs funding, according to Chris Huhne.

The Energy Secretary has warned that a rapid expansion of solar projects in the South West could lead to 'boom and bust".

In an article in Western Morning News and Western Daily Press, he said: "If we let large solar installations continue unabated then, quite simply, the money will run out and it will run out more quickly. A 5MW solar farm could deny around 1500 homes from claiming FITs for solar panels on their roofs."

He added that at least eight solar farms have already been granted planning permission in the South West with an estimated 20 in the pipeline: "Even if only half of these go ahead and start claiming FITs then nearly a fifth of the scheme's projected costs for the next financial year will have already been spent, leaving hundreds of homes, small businesses and communities without.

It is unclear how the Government intends to curb the introduction of more solar projects, as it has pledged not to act retrospectively to change the tariffs.

Mr Huhne's comments have come as many have started to criticise the Government for restricting the industry's growth.

Written by

Bruna Pinhoni

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