Thursday 24 February 2011

Solar- a misunderstood industry?

Solar- a misunderstood industry?

Did you know that more solar was installed than any other renewable technology across Europe last year? Or that the cost of solar has dropped faster than any other technology and is expected to reach grid parity before 2020?

The Renewable Energy Association has said outdated assumptions risk derailing a potentially lucrative opportunity in the UK.

Gaynor Hartnell, REA Chief Executive, said: "The fact is the UK has not caught up with rapid developments in the global solar PV industry - or shown much interest in the facts. On any objective analysis this is a serious power source that demands respect. It is also extremely popular with the public."

She added: "An ambitious push on PV in the UK will result in tens of thousands of new green jobs. It would be a terrible loss if the 'greenest Government ever' reigns in on the UK's already modest solar vision and ambition. We'd like to hear DECC talk up this technology and re-examine its potential based on the facts."

Solar has recently been caught up in the Feed-in Tariff review, brought about early by the Department of Energy and Climate Change. DECC claim large scale (over 5MW) solar farms will exploit the FiTs scheme. The REA claim that 5MW is in fact small by international standards as internationally 50MW and higher are seen as common.

Written by

Bruna Pinhoni

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