Wednesday 23 February 2011
Staffordshire University has launched an internship scheme as they host a major international conference on green energy.
The four-week schemes, which will earn the students £1000, are intended to offer training in attracting investment and research. The scheme is joint funded by the University and the respective energy companies.
Rob McKay, Client Manager at Staffordshire University's Business School, said: "The interns will get practical, hands on expertise of working within a company, as well as working in an area that is growing rapidly now and will continue to grow in the future."
"We believe internships will appeal particularly to smaller companies who are facing growth opportunities. The additional capacity to address mainstream business issues such as scoping new markets, addressing human resource policies ahead of a period of recruitment, or building a business case for investment can make a huge difference to moving businesses forwards.
The internship scheme is being launched this week at the three-day Renewable Energies Transfer System seminars, which are being funded by the European Union.