Wednesday 2 February 2011



Firstly thanks to all of you for turning to ELN for your energy news. Last week we had record viewing figures and are now reaching an audience of 26,000 people and growing, which is great as we only launched last May. In that time we have set out to try and give an all round view of the energy world here and increasingly abroad. Recently we conducted an online survey to hear what you wanted to see and read on ELN, we've listened and we're making some changes.

To start with there will be a regular editorial starting this week on the TV channel called Editor's View looking over the week's stories and issues that have got us talking in the newsroom. Next many people have started writing to us expressing views and comments and to give expression to thier views we're launching a Letters page. So if you want to get something off your chest write to us, please include your name and address. We're also asking leading voices in the industry to give their opinion on the issues that matter to them and to you. This regular slot called Viewpoint starts this week.

Many of you asked for more science and technology stories in view of the move to a low carbon society and so we will be bringing you more features from our leading Universities and research insitutes. There's also a lot of confusion about policy issues such as the CRC and Electriticy Market Reform and we'll be bringing you more on that too and after feedback we'll be doing more on finance as well, its clear prices and markets really matter to you, so it matters to us.

Finally we'll be changing the look of ELN with a new website and new logo, you may have seen the new TV titles already. We want to grow from strength to strength so please let your friends and colleagues know about ELN. We're here to listen to you and of course we need your stories so do get in touch

ELN is your news service, we hope you continue to enjoy it.

Written by

Bruna Pinhoni

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