Tuesday 1 February 2011

Scotland gets carbon cuts target from Climate Change Committee

Scotland gets carbon cuts target from Climate Change Committee

The Committee on Climate Change has advised the Scottish government to cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 3.5% each year from 2020 to 2050.

The committee was asked to recommend a cumulative emissions budget for Scotland between 2010 and 2050.

Options highlighted by the committee to reduce emissions include a greater use of heat pumps in buildings and homes; a greater focus on electric vehicles and more biomass and biogas technology used in industry.

The committee also said emissions could be reduced by 15% by 2030 if energy efficiency measures relating to soils and livestock were put in place.

Committee chief executive David Kennedy said: "There is potential in Scotland to make a significant contribution to wider efforts to tackle climate change. Emissions cuts of between 3%-4% annually through to 2050 are feasible, but will require new policies. The cost of achieving emissions cuts is more than offset by the climate change and wider economic benefits."

Written by

Bruna Pinhoni

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