Tuesday 11 January 2011
Up to a quarter of UK homeowners are at risk of their boiler breaking, according to new research.
The study suggests that 23% of UK boilers are at least a decade old. This means that despite last year's boiler scrappage scheme, which saw thousands of old systems replaced with A-rated boilers, around six million boilers across the nation could still be nearing the end of their life.
The research, by npower hometeam, revealed that Scotland has the youngest boilers, with just one in five over 10 years old, while Wales and the East Midlands are most at risk from ageing boilers, with 26% of people owning their boiler for over a decade.
Richard Cotton, head of sales for npower hometeam, said: "An ageing boiler is a risk for any household, particularly as it is often the most expensive item in the home to replace, while breakdowns can be costly to repair.