Tuesday 28 September 2010
The Welsh Assembly Government is to assess the impact of green energy projects on ports across Wales.
It has commissioned a study to identify and review current and future green energy developments which may have affect ports, including offshore wind, onshore wind, tidal and wave energy.
The report will review the needs of low-carbon energy generators and the potential of Welsh ports to meet these needs, including the proposed development of one of the world's largest offshore wind farms in the Bristol Channel, the 'Atlantic Array'.
The study follows a report conducted earlier this year by RWE npower renewables which found that ports in Cardiff and South Wales are well positioned to diversify into green energy.
The Welsh Assembly study will look at the possibility of using ports to gain new business related to green energy developments through activities such as manufacturing, assembly and construction, research and development, and the maintenance of green energy installations.
Matthew Linning of real estate consultancy DTZ, which is carrying out the report, said: "The findings of the study could inform potential bids for central government funding to support port infrastructure across the UK."
There are over 25 ports in Wales, with the largest including Cardiff, Port Talbot, Milford Haven and Swansea.