Tuesday 17 August 2010
Ofgem has revealed 11 projects that are eligible to compete for a share of the annual £64m of funding from the £500m Low Carbon Networks Fund.
The Low Carbon Networks Fund was set up by Ofgem as part of the 2010-2015 electricity distribution price control. It will encourage Britain's electricity distribution network owners (DNOs) to develop innovative projects that will help energy networks and consumers make the transition to a low carbon economy.
Projects could see DNOs partnered with energy suppliers, technology providers or others to explore how electricity networks can help facilitate and enable low carbon and energy saving initiatives such as electric vehicles, or investigate the potential of the planned roll-out of smart meters.
The 11 projects are from Western Power Distribution, Southern Electric Power Distribution, Scottish Hydro Electric Power, SP Manweb, SP Distribution, two from Electricity North West, EDF Energy, two from Central Networks, Northern Electric and Yorkshire Electricity.
Stuart Cook, Ofgem's senior partner for Smarter Grids and Governance, said: "Britain's DNOs have responded very positively in the first year of the Low Carbon Networks Fund. I am pleased to see that the projects are addressing a range of low carbon issues, and are proposing significant collaboration."
Each of Britain's seven electricity distribution companies (DNOs) submitted at least one project in the first stage of the annual competition in June. The proposals were screened by Ofgem to ensure they were eligible to be considered for funding.
The DNOs can now develop these proposals for entry into the final evaluation stage of the competition next month.
The submitted proposals will be scrutinised by an expert panel advising the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority, Ofgem's governing body, which will make the final decision on the projects that should be selected for funding. The winning projects will be announced in December.