Join us to mark the first 100 days of the new government with a week-long online conference from October 14th – 18th.
With a series of talks, webinars, videos, podcasts and articles it will explore if the government is delivering on its manifesto pledges, the sentiments of energy and sustainability professionals, technologies, jobs and finances. To coincide with the week there will be a downloadable PDF report.
The audience will consist of energy end users, industry players and academics. Engagement data will be available to partners.
Labour has gone policy crazy, so what does it really intend to do and what does it mean for your business? Join Sumit Bose, founder of futurenetzero and Emma Pinchbeck (CEO, Energy UK), exploring the creation of GB Energy, the launch of Mission Control, the plan for a net zero grid and what it all means for for our bills and energy security.
Labour has said it wants to spark massive investment into net zero technologies and encourage wider uptake. GB Energy is a case in point. But will investors put their money in. What will all this do to our bills? Are the markets going to react well to such bold plans? Join Sumit and his special guest Alexandra Meagher as we discuss this and much more.
The government is on the march to build thousands of homes and make them warm! It wants heating to become a major route to emissions reductions with a massive increase in heat pump rollout and the end of fossil fuel boilers. But is the market ready and more importantly are consumers? Sumit looks into the heat conundrum with Ian Rose, Tom Lowe and Dan White.
Has the EV bubble burst or is it just about to rocket? How do we get mass transport cleaner is it just about electrification and what will the government do to tackle the issues of large freight movement? Is hydrogen being neglected by policy? Join Sumit and motoring expert Quentin Wilson as we explore the way to make four wheels cleaner.
The grid has been tasked to be cleaned up by 2030, just six years away! Labour has set the ambition but can it be done? How in this cleaner connected world will our data be handled and are we being protected enough? Sumit will be speaking to Peter Stanley and Basil Scarsella, asking their expert opinion on delivering to Labour’s deadline.