Thursday 23 September 2021
Budweiser claims to have produced an AB InBev beer can with the lowest ever carbon footprint in Europe.
It has partnered with En+, Canpack and Elval to produce the can, which will be piloted later this year.
The 440ml Budweiser can is set to be produced by Canpack using 100% renewable electricity and ultra-low carbon primary aluminium produced by En+ - then filled at Budweiser’s breweries across the country, powered by 100% renewable electricity.
Budweiser states the can is endlessly recyclable and is has the lowest carbon footprint of any AB InBev beer can.
Mauricio Coindreau, Sustainability Director at Budweiser, commented: “Like our consumers, we care about climate change and want to make it as easy as possible for people to choose environmentally-friendly options in their day-to-day lives, whether it’s enjoying a beer brewed with 100% renewable electricity and locally sourced ingredients, or now in a low carbon can.
“We’re excited about this pilot, made possible thanks to the collaboration with our partners and this amazing technological breakthrough and we look forward to being able to roll it out even further.”