Monday 27 July 2020
McDonald's has announced it has finished the construction of a net zero energy restaurant located at Walt Disney World Resort in Florida in the US.
The new facility is designed to generate enough renewable energy on-site to cover 100% of its energy needs on an annual basis.
The building has an installation of 1,066 solar panels capable of generating 600,000KWh every year and also features 1,700 square feet of plant-covered walls absorbing carbon dioxide and supporting biodiversity.
Guests who visit the new store will also be offered the opportunity to generate some power for the restaurant with outdoor stationary bikes, while car parks will be lit by solar power.
The fast-food giant says the restaurant will be used as a 'learning hub' to test solutions for reducing energy and water use in the other restaurants of the chain.
The firm has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 36% in restaurants and offices by 2030 compared to a 2015 base year.
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