Wednesday 28 November 2018
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Arsenal has installed a new battery system at its Emirates Stadium in London. The world-famous football club has worked with a range of project partners to put the new technology into place - Pivot Power installed the storage infrastructure, Downing LLP helped to provide the necessary funding and Octopus Energy has continued to provide renewable electricity to the site. The battery system was officially opened on Monday - it can store enough energy to run the 60,000-seat Emirates stadium for an entire match, equivalent to powering 2,700 homes for around two hours. Pivot Power CEO Matt Allen said: "We have the first 2MW which have been installed so far, we have a third megawatt which is going to be installed later this year. "The project is going to be optimising the electricity supply on site, being able to play into ancillary services and really focus on a low carbon system for the UK."