Tuesday 2 October 2018
The US, China and France are leading the international green bond market.
That's the verdict from Climate Bonds' latest analysis, which suggests the booming sector has room for "huge growth" into the 2020s, with more than $1.45 trillion (£1.1tn) of potential green bonds on offer.
It shows the leading nations are followed by Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, Canada and Mexico.
Transport is the largest area of potential green bond issuance, with $532 billion (£410bn) climate-aligned bonds outstanding, representing 44% of the market.
Energy-related green bonds make up around 23% of the market - it has the highest number of climate-aligned issuers, at 292, while the buildings sector has the largest number of bonds outstanding, at 1,843.
CEO Sean Kidney said: "There is enormous green potential. Investor demand for green bonds remains incredibly strong; more companies responding would increase needed supply and satisfy investor demand for a quality product that is consistent with international climate targets."