Wednesday 31 January 2018
A new hub dedicated to smart homes and buildings research has been opened in the UK.
The new Centre for Smart Homes and Buildings (CSHB) in Watford is currently testing a range of devices, covering heating, energy use, safety and security, lighting as well as air quality.
The Building Research Establishment (BRE) will work with a range of partners, including EDF, BT and Telefonica to facilitate and improve the use of smart products and services within the built environment.
The BRE is also trialling smart building technologies in its offices and developing small-scale city test beds across the site using Internet of Things (IoT) networks.
The smart homes and buildings market was valued at more than £22 billion last year.
Experts predict there will be more than 20 billion Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled devices by 2020, with a majority being linked to use in homes and buildings.
Dr Martin Ganley, Director of Smart Homes and Buildings at BRE said: “Within the rapidly growing smart home and building technology sector, the CSHB will play a vital role in providing clarity on the performance of devices and systems, ensuring that technology meets the needs of the end user and in helping address emerging risks and common challenges.”