Friday 5 May 2017
The UK Government is reportedly planning to propose a scrappage scheme for older diesel cars.
Motorists are expected to be offered cash to scrap or retrofit polluting diesel vehicles that emit high levels of nitrogen dioxide.
It is part of the government’s plan to tackle air pollution in the country.
The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) had been trying to delay publication of the air quality plans until after the general election but the High Court ordered it to publish the draft by 9th May, after the local election.
The government is also expected to announce a daily charge or a ban on diesel vehicles entering cities during peak times.
Last month London Mayor Sadiq Khan announced plans for a daily tax on the most polluting vehicles driving into central London from 2019.
Reports suggest speed bumps could be removed in some cities to cut pollution from cars slowing down and speeding up.
Environmental lawyers ClientEarth, who previously brought legal proceedings against the government, said it would “thoroughly analyse” the plan.
A spokesperson added: “If we do not think they are in line with the court order… then we will consider our next steps.”
Earlier this year the European Commission issued a final warning to the UK over illegal levels of air pollution.