Friday 30 October 2015

Seismic data from underexplored North Sea areas collected

Seismic data from underexplored North Sea areas collected

The first stage of collecting new seismic data in unexplored areas of the North Sea as part of a £20 million campaign has been completed.

Funded by the UK Government, the project saw WesternGeco acquire 20,000km of new 2D seismic shoot using the Vespucci vessel (pictured), according to the Oil and Gas Authority (OGA).

The OGA will use the data in its 29th offshore bidding round which, subject to the necessary regulatory approvals, will be announced next year.

It is also welcoming nominations from industry of blocks in other areas that may be made available for licensing by the end of 2015.

Gunther Newcombe, OGA’s Director of Exploration and Production, said: “I am delighted that our partner WesternGeco has completed the campaign on time and without incident, having surveyed an area almost the size of the British Isles. Seismic data is currently being processed by WesternGeco and data packages will be made freely available when they are finalised towards the end of Q1 2016.”

Written by

Bruna Pinhoni

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