Wednesday 2 May 2012

Energy Live Tour – Keeping Energy on the Corporate Agenda

Energy Live Tour – Keeping Energy on the Corporate Agenda

On June 21st at 9.30 a.m. we will be bringing you David Medori from Home Retail (Argos, Homebase and Habitat), Keith Beattie from Eli Lilly, Nic Seuren from M&C Energy Group and Phil Dominy of Ernst & Young and they will help you ensure that you keep energy on the corporate agenda.

Their talks are as follows:

Dr David Medori will be talking about “Why and how energy buying is still top priority for the board (or how to ensure energy remains on the agenda without boring the pants off them)".

Keith Beattie will bring you “ISO50001 – value adding process or bureaucratic waste of time?”

Nic Seuren (pictured) will give a talk on "Why CRC should not be forgotten".

And Phil Dominy will talk about the shift that large corporates are making towards direct sourcing of renewable power and the opportunities available in this space.

Following on from these presentations, there will be a panel session with all of the above, hosted by Sumit Bose, Energy Live News Editorial Director. This will give you the opportunity to ask those questions you have always wanted to ask. And we expect you to ask the tough questions.....all our speakers have been told that is what to expect. The great thing is, these are experienced energy people who have done it all, who understand what you are going through and want to help you avoid the issues they have had.

This session will be held in central London at the offices of Ernst & Young. The address is

1 More London Place



Please click here for the map.

As mentioned above, the session starts at 9.30 a.m. and will finish no later than 11.30 a.m. This will be 2 hours of refereshing debate and experience, where you get the opportunity to learn from your peers. The cost for energy end users is only £25 excluding VAT to cover administration and subsistence costs. We do reserve the right to admission as the session is geared towards energy end users.

To register and pay by invoice, please email or call him on 0845 602 4899.

To register and pay by credit card, please use the button below

Number required

We look forward to seeing you there.


Written by

Bruna Pinhoni

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